Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Healthier Ranch Dip

I've long been a fan of substituting yogurt for sour cream to make recipes healthier. My husband, not so much. He swears he can always taste when I "healthify" a recipe. That's why I was so surprised the other day when we were watching an episode of Dr. Oz that suggested substituting Greek Yogurt for sour cream for making ranch dip. Ben actually wanted to give it a try! It was a-mazing!

Greek Yogurt is much thicker and creamier than regular yogurt, and it's much more similar to sour cream as well. We've loved Greek Yogurt for breakfast for quite sometime, and I can't believe I haven't used it in recipes before! And the added benefits? Probiotics, more protein, less fat and less calories!
Tonight, I'm going to try it in a new recipe. I'll let you know how it goes!

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