Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Feeling Easter-y

 Is it too early for an Easter craft?  I sure hope not because it is feeling so Springy around here!  Remember this frame I made the other day for my Instagram photos?  Well, I wasn't happy with it, so I decided to use it for this new Easter craft.

 I used the Capitals font and typed up "He is Risen Indeed" on my Silhouette.

 Then I cut the letters on some Spring-ish scrapbook paper and peeled them up.

 This is what was left over.  I thought about framing the leftover paper because I think it looks awesome, but passed on the idea.

Then I hung the letters on the bakers twine from teeny-tiny clothespins, found at Hobby Lobby. 

 "He is risen!"  Ok, now you say, "He is risen, indeed!"  :)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

New Frame

 I've added a new frame to my collection today.  My husband informed me he thinks frames are beginning to take over our house, but I think that's crazy talk!

 I ordered some twine from The Twinery a while back when they were having a GroupDealz promotion.  This frame belonged to the collection of frames I found in our house when we moved in.  I spray painted it grey.

 I cut the twine to fit the frame then hot glued it to the back.

I found these teeny-tiny clothespins at Hobby Lobby and bought them with my 40% off coupon.  I don't think I've ever bought anything at Hobby Lobby without a 40% off discount!  Then I hung some instagram pics on the twine.

I really like the end result.  I've decided to use this frame to hang pics for now, but I'm thinking about switching the pics out for some letters and spelling something out.  Maybe "He is Risen" for Easter? 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Clipix: A New Tool to Organize Your Life

I've recently discovered and become a fan of Clipix.  It's a new on-line tool that can be used to organize things you find and want to try.  It can be used to save recipes, craft ideas, books you want to read, the list can literally never end!

I opened a free account and began clipping Valentines Day projects I want to try with my toddler onto virtual "clipboards."  I've chosen to make my clipboards open for public viewing, but there is a privacy setting that allows you to choose who can see your boards.  I made another clipboard just for recipes that I plan on trying when I get around to them.  You can view my clipboards here.


There's also an iPhone app so you can take pictures of the things that inspire you and save them to your clipboard while out and about!  You can even share your clips on Facebook and Twitter.

A little confused?  View the one minute video below to find out more about Clipix.  Then visit Clipix and sign up today! After you begin clipping, come back here and let me know what kind of clipboards you've created!

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bicicyle Art

My Black Bicycle Vinyl Canvas was featured again! I've neglected my poor little shop for so long, maybe this will motivate me to make some more things for it! Check out the full feature here.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Follow Me on Bloglovin'

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Hello, Friends! I've decided to start a Bloglovin' account, since Google is slowly phasing out GFC. If you'd like to follow me using Bloglovin', click the link above!

Friday, February 24, 2012

74% Discount at ShoeScandal

I recently discovered ShoeScandal, a shoe company specializing in high-quality Australian-style boots. They are currently running an awesome sale until the end of May. You can get 74% off their boots, bringing them down to just $26 (and, shipping is less than $6 for all states, except Alaska and Hawaii)!

To participate in this deal, click the link below to purchase a voucher using Social Spark. You will then receive your promo code via email. Then follow the deal's redemption instructions to receive a discount on a brand new pair of boots at ShoeScandal!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Cake in a Mug

I got home from Zumba last night and was craving something sweet big time! Apparently flailing your arms and legs around for 45 minutes creates quite the appetite. We didn't have anything sweet on hand, but then I remembered seeing a recipe online for Cake in a Mug.

I thought it was too good to be true. How could anything one throws together and microwaves for 3 minutes actually taste good? Well, it was... pretty good. Not awesome, but pretty good. It would have been awesome had I any cream to make whipped cream. Or icecream. Or caramel syrup. Or... okay I have to stop because I'm making myself hungry again! If you want the recipe, you can click here.

I did a few things different. First, I used actual cake flour (not sure if this made it better or not because I have no other microwave cake recipes to compare.) Also, I used half oil, half applesauce instead of all oil. I usually make this substitution so that at least I'm "trying" to be healthy.

So, will I make this again? Maybe. But only in a pinch, when I'm craving something sweet and there's nothing else in the house. Otherwise, I'll be making a drive to Sonic.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February Photo-A-Day: Fav Pic of You & Where You Work

Yesterday's photo challenge involved posting your favorite picture of yourself. This picture was taken at Potbelly's Sandwich shop when G was just six weeks old! He makes this my fav photo (and I think my hair looks rad in this pic!)

Today's challenge is to take a picture of where you work. This is it. We've been spending tons of time outside as of late due to the awesome Spring-like weather blessing Texas. It's where G is the happiest. And not throwing fits. He really likes throwing fits lately. :(

Out of Alabaster Giveaway

Have you seen the amazing custom silhouette designs from Out of Alabaster? I'm such a fan! Check them out her blog here and enter for a chance to win one of her custom creations!

Monday, February 20, 2012

February Photo-A-Day: Drink

Ok, I've really been slacking on my photo challenge! A few days ago, the topic was "drink." So I thought I'd share some pics of what I start my day with (coffee), and water. I literally drink water ALL day long. No sodas for this girl :)

As you can tell, I'm really digging the bokeh filter on picfx. Thanks to my SIL for introducing me to it!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

What We're Eating This Rainy Day

It has been raining ALL DAY here in Fort Worth. And everyone knows the best thing to do on a rainy day (besides jump in puddles) is bake new recipes. So, I decided to try out these Creamy Baked Taquitos. They are de-lish. Click here for the recipe. I did make a little substitution. Instead of corn tortillas I used whole wheat. Next time, I'll definitely buy the corn tortillas, though.

February Photo-A-Day: Hearts and a Tutorial

I made this cute heart garland in honor of Valentines Day. Garlands are so cute and easy, you can make one for every holiday. I plan on starting an Easter Garland next, and I'm really excited about it! I thought I'd post a tute so you can make your own, even though it's so easy to make, you can probably figure it out!

To make a heart garland, you'll need the following materials:

You'll need the following tools:
Good scissors
A larger than normal needle

Begin by cutting out tons of hearts, or whatever shape you'd like. St. Patrick's Day is coming up, so maybe you could cut out shamrocks!

Use your needle and yarn to thread your shapes together. I tied a knot after each heart. I highly suggest doing that!

Make your garland however long you'd like. I made mine super duper long, and hung it on our mantle. Our Valentines Day was low key (just the way we like it), but at least our house looked festive!

Monday, February 13, 2012

February Photo-A-Day: Closet and Blue

Yesterday's Photo Challenge was to share a picture of your closet. So here's a peek inside my very messy closet. It's so messy, that this is all that I was willing to show you!

Today's theme is blue, so here are my blue shoes. I wear them so much that they are very close to falling apart! As soon as they officially fall apart, I think I'm going to try one of the tutorials I've seen on various blogs where you customize your Tom's by adding fabric to them.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Anthropologie Finds

I received a 15% off card in the mail from Anthro the other day. I bought this cute little jar with chalkboard label and large ceramic berry bowl. I decided to store sea salt in the jar (yes I know how to spell salt, I decided to write the spanish word for salt on the jar :) And for the berry bowl, I'll use it to showcase some 4 in. instagram pics that I plan on ordering soon. Yay for somewhat cheap finds at Anthropologie!

February Photo-A-Day: Self Portrait

So I missed another photo challenge. Oopsy. I think the day before yesterday I was supposed to post a picture of our front door. I'll describe it instead. It's green and has a handmade wreath on it. There. My friend thinks I should paint our door Robin's Egg Blue. I totally agree.

Yesterday's challenge was to post a self portrait. I don't really like taking pictures of myself, so I made G take one with me. He's much cuter than me anyways. :)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February Photo-A-Day: Sun

Today's photography assignment is to take a pic of the sun. It looks like this is as close as I'm getting to a sunny day any time this week.

I'm drinking my troubles away today in the form of a Caramel Brulee Latte. I had no idea how tasty these things were until just now. Man, I've been missing out.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February Photo-A-Day: Button

Today I'm showcasing my cute mini collection of buttons and pearls. I usually add these to felt flowers, necklaces, just about all my crafty projects.

I took this picture on my NEX-3 HD camera using f 4.5 for the aperture setting and a shutter speed of 1/40. The ISO was set at 1600 because the room was not very well lit.
I still don't understand what half this jargon means, but I am learning!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Makin' Banana Pancakes Pretend Like It's the Weekend (Or February Photo A Day, Dinner)

We had a friend over Friday night and made him Blueberry and Banana Nut Pancakes. Breakfast is my absolute favorite meal of the day, and I take full advantage of every opportunity to have it for dinner. My husband found the best recipe for homemade pancakes a few years back, causing me to throw my Pancake Mix box in the trash and never look back.

Diner Style Pancakes Recipe:

First, mix your dry ingredients together:
1.5 cups all purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 tablespoon sugar

Then, mix your wet ingredients in a separate bowl:
2 eggs
1 and 1/4 cup milk
2 teaspoons vanilla (I was out of vanilla Friday night, so I substituted a dash of cinnamon)
Beat together until foamy (about 3 mins) You can use a blender for this part.
Then add 3 tablespoons melted butter.

Then, incorporate your dry mix into your wet mix. If your batter looks a little thin, you did everything right. These pancakes turn out a little thinner than other recipes, but I think they are so much better! If your batter is not thin, it's ok, they will still taste great, but you can add a little milk to thin them out if you like.

Let the batter rest a little (It's been working hard!) You can even set it in the fridge overnight and have less work to do in the morning.

Pour batter onto hot skillet and add fruit (if that's your thing!) I wait to flip the pancake until I see a few bubbles begin to pop on the surface.

What are you waiting for?! Go make some pancakes for dinner!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

10 am

This is what my 10am on a Sunday morning looks like in the 5-7 year old Discipleship Class. Today we learned that God is jealous for His glory and He will not share it with another! The kids in that class are so super cool.

Yesterday's challenge was to take a picture of a stranger. I missed that one and will not be making up missed challenges because I want this endeavor to be fun and never become a burden.

It's actually a shame I missed yesterday's challenge because I was feeling like a spy after watching Mission Impossible 4 last night (my first trip to the movies in I don't know how long!) when I ran out of the theater with my hands pointed like a gun singing "dun dun da da dun dun..." (that would be the Mission Impossible theme song, in case you didn't catch it) all the while "shooting" the guy in front of me. Er, sorry mister, didn't know you would turn around and see me shooting you. Should have been shooting a picture of him instead.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Prescription Savings Club at Walgreens

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Walgreens for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

At the end of last school year, my husband and I made the decision that I would quit my job as a Kindergarten teacher to stay home with my son.  While I've never regretted this decision and find that being a stay at home mom is incredibly fulfilling, we have had to make some real changes in our lifestyle.  One of the areas affected by  those changes includes healthcare.  We placed my son and myself on private insurance plans which are less expensive, but also don't provide as much coverage when it comes to prescription drugs.  I was excited to learn about the Prescription Savings Club at Walgreens.  Prescription Savings Club at Walgreens  By joining, you can receive discounts on prescriptions for yourself, a spouse, dependents 22 years of age and younger, and pets.  That's right pets!  A family membership is only $35 a year and individual memberships are a mere $20.  There are savings to be had on more than 8,000 brand name medications and all generic medicines.  Walgreens also offers discounts on flu shots, diabetic supplies, pet medications, and nebulizers.  As if all of those savings weren't enough, you also receive bonuses by purchasing Walgreen brand products and photo-finishing services.

I stay updated on all the savings going on at Walgreens by liking them on Facebook Walgreens on Facebook and following them on Twitter @Walgreens Walgreens on Twitter, and you can do the same!

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February Photo-A-Day: Hands

Two of the cutest hands I ever did see. Today they have played with toys, wiped themselves on me, and wrapped themselves around my leg.

My First 26.2: Need Help! Will Run for Food!

My First 26.2: Need Help! Will Run for Food!

My friend's husband is preparing to run his second marathon and is planning on helping the people of West Africa at the same time. Please take some time to visit his blog and decide how you can help!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Today's task in the February Photo A Day Challenge is to post a picture of words. I turned this old frame into a chalkboard a while back and wrote the lyrics to this song on it. It's been on top of the bookcase in our living room ever since.

I couldn't decide which words I liked better, so I posted this one also. Hey, it's my blog. I can do what I want. :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Photo A Day in February

One of my New Year's Resolutions was to learn photography. I haven't really been taking many pictures lately, but today I am committing to the February Photo a Day Challenge. Each day I'll take share a different picture. I'll probably use my phone to take most pictures, but days when I'm feeling all photographer-y I'll use my Sony NEX-3 HD and try to remember to share things like aperture, shutter speed, etc. Listen to me, trying to sound like I know what I'm talking about! ;)

Today's challenge is to take a picture of your view. This is the view of the field behind our house where we play.
I used the Picfx app on my phone to give this picture a Bokeh effect. I've been kind of obsessed with Bokeh ever since my SIL introduced me to it!

So, I hope you enjoy the pics, and if you want to join in, here's the link to challenge.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Lovey Dovey

I made this plaque to give our mantle a little "Valentines" feel. We have absolutely no valentines-y decorations in our house, which is sad because it's a nice time to pause and be thankful for the loved ones in our life. (Even if it is a made up holiday exploited by card and candy manufacturers!) Hee hee.

I used a wooden plaque that I spray-painted red. The quote is from the song "Home" by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes. (If you haven't heard it, which is pretty impossible since it is plastered all over dozens of commercials, do yourself a favor and check it out!) I cut the letters out of black vinyl using my Silhouette Cameo. The font is 5th Grade Cursive.

Love is in the air. Can you feel it?

Saturday, January 28, 2012

My Cloth Diaper Routine

I've been wanting to share a little about cloth diapering lately. This is something I've become increasingly excited about since I bought my first cloth diaper almost a year ago. Cloth diapering is not only a great option for the environment, it's also a wonderful option for your pocket book. I think there are some misconceptions about it, so hopefully I can shed some light on the subject and maybe even offer a few tips along the way.

Cloth diapering does require more time and energy. If I were still working full time, I definitely would not be able to do this. I probably do an extra two to three loads of laundry per week. Since I work at home, I don't mind this. I make time for it and even try to find some joy in it along the way.

Some people I've talked with think that cloth diapering is gross. My opinion is that it's no more gross than regular diapering. In either case, there are going to be times when you get your hands dirty, and stink up your bathroom. I've learned a few tricks that have helped keep the gross factor at a minimum.

This roll of wonderful-ness is my first trick. They're called "nappy-liners" and they are marvelous. They look similar to a roll of fabric softeners. I use these to line my diapers, so when my child poops, it catches everything and can be neatly thrown into the toilet and flushed. These work about 90% of the time to catch everything. I've heard that they can be washed and re-used (considering your child only peed and did not poop in them), but since they are only about $5 or $6 for a roll, I just dispose of them each time. I buy mine on Amazon.

I purchased a sturdy, stainless steel garbage pail to keep the dirty diapers in. (Of course I had to decorate mine, especially after I visited a friend's house and saw how cute hers was!) It works pretty well at keeping odors in. A friend of mine even puts drops of tea tree oil in hers, and swears the oil smell overpowers any odor from the diapers.

I line the inside of my trash pail with a special liner for cloth diapers. I also purchased this on Amazon.

I have sort of a love-hate relationship with this little gadget. It loves me and I hate it. Mostly. Remember when I told you the nappy-liners take care of the job about 90% of the time? I use this little contraption the 10% of the time the liners don't get the job done. It's a diaper sprayer and it hooks up to your toilet to spray mess into it. The only problem is that the trigger is way sensitive and I usually end up spraying poopy water onto my bathroom floor. Grrr. I didn't say cloth diapering was perfect, people. ;)

Finally, this is the wonderful, all-natural detergent I use to clean my diapers. It works with HE washers and really gets everything squeaky clean. Have you had experience with cloth diapers? I'd love to hear about it, both good and bad!